
2024 will see the Assembly as a quarterly all-hands event, conducted remotely and recorded for all team members that might miss out:

  • If you are working on the day of the Assembly, participation in the call is mandatory
  • If you're off that day, watch it, as soon as you're back at work

The Assembly consists mainly of these parts:

  • Thomann GmbH company updates
  • Division recap of the past quarter
  • organization updates (i.e. newbies, leavers, communities, badges, events)

The Assembly (video & slides) is posted to #io-team-all once it has taken place. If there are questions to any of the Assembly's topics, use the post's thread. An answer will be provided there.

Important: participating in/watching the Assembly is mandatory because it contains relevant information for every team member.

In #io-team-all you find all previous Assemblies bookmarked as well.

Contributing to Assembly

Here are some best practices to make your contribution to the Assembly easy to consume by all team members:

  • Provide slides that can transfer your message by simply reading through them
  • If you have a message but can't participate, record a video. Videos should have a second of silence in the beginning and the end
  • Write some bullet points down before giving your presentation or recording your video. This helps to create a cohesive message and to not forget anything important
  • Directly edit the Assembly presentation and add all your slides there. This also helps to figure out where to put your video (if you can't participate)
  • When sharing your screen, especially when it's a presentation, make sure you share the presentation mode window
  • Topics should be as short and concise as possible and by no means exceed 5 minutes in length
  • All videos should be stored in the YYYY-MM-videos folder (e.g. 2023-09-videos) in the Assembly shared drive
  • When recording a video, make sure you have a quiet environment and are close to your microphone