Atlassian Cloud

Well, we said it. We work with Jira and Confluence in the cloud.


Jira is the place to collect tasks, projects, visions, bugs and user problems. Every member of has access to check what we're working on and which steps we will take to reach our goals. It's also where you find the company backlog.

Jira must be used as a single source of truth for tickets and therefore for all work in progress and backlogs.

Company backlog

The company backlog displays all major projects across Thomann GmbH. It is used to make initiatives of our company's departments transparent to everyone and helps us to update each other regularly.

You can find the company backlog in Jira when clicking on "Plans" in the navigation.

Team Boards, product backlogs, and dashboards

Each team has their own board and backlog. Just search for the team's name in the board section, and you'll find it. Depending on the team's way of work it's either a scrum or a kanban board, some teams also have both. The team product owners are responsible for gathering the backlog items through the company backlog initiatives, through user research, or through our feedback hub. They refine them with the team and set a priority.

Status map

In order to simplify working together on projects, we agreed on a common simple workflow in Jira. Status usage is by definition.

All upstream statuses are intended for the ideation, information enrichment, prioritization (product strategy) of features or epics. The statuses in the downstream are for the implementing operational teams


Ideation PoolCounterpart to the backlog in the downstream
EnrichmentCounterpart to refinement in the downstream
Ready to validate
In validation
Strategic review
Ideation rejectedA status for issues that are sorted out


RefinementA status for refinement and collecting information
ReadyTickets, that are ready refined and ready to be pulled
In Progress
DoneThe one and only don/resolved status for every team - mandatory
LiveFor teams that like to watch tickets on their board - not a replacement for done, just an addition - optional
ClosingFor teams that like to watch tickets on a board - just an addition to done - optional

Shared up- and downstream

BlockedFor teams that like to use a blocked status.


For internal documentation, Confluence is our single source of truth. Though, we try to be as transparent as possible with our employee handbook, there's a lot of project documentation and some internal processes (e.g. ordering new hardware) for which an employee-only wiki is the better tool.

Some teams might use tools like Notion, Lucid Chart, Miro, or whatever else fits for their current challenges. However, each team is obliged to make documentation accessible in Confluence. This means, when using different tools, make sure you share a link within the documentation, or better, look for a Confluence plugin to embed the information stored in a different tool.


There is a wide array of apps available for the Atlassian tools at their marketplace. Please follow this guideline when requesting one.