Current divisions and units

  • Division Product
    • Units: Product, UI/UX/UR
  • Division Technology
    • Units: Shop Engineering, Quality Engineering, Architecture, Operations, Tools Engineering
  • Division Data
    • Units: Data Analytics-/Science, Digital Analytics & Measurement, Data Engineering, Business Intelligence
  • Division Organization
    • Units: People & Culture, Agile Coaching, Organizational Development
  • Division Finance
    • Units: Finance, Business Administration, Office


Divisions are areas covering a broader, more general topic. Each division is led by a director and consists of multiple units.

Current divisions are product, technology, data, organization, finance.


Your unit is your home base and lives within a division. A unit has a lead that takes care of disciplinary topics and the technical direction of the unit. Units from similar areas report to a director to provide a scalable structure.

Scale & leads

Some units are already large enough to have their own lead persons. There might be different factors to be taken into account when creating a new lead role for a unit:

  • the amount of team members working in a unit
  • the complexity of the topic a unit covers
  • how the unit has grown over the years Small units might still be led by the director of the unit's division.